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  Saving money on Gas and Electricity    

With gas and electricity costs seeming to rise all the time the cost to heat and power your home is an expensive part of your household budget.
The good news is that the power companies operate in a very competitive market place and so it is quite likely you can get a better deal by shopping around.They are all viying for your business
and all offer differing tariffs catering to your needs.

If you haven't changed supplier for a while then it could save you quite a bit of money finding out what is cheaper for you.
You can save hundreds of pounds!

Price comparison websites are a good pace to start, and there are also specialist sites like Uswitch to compare energy prices and help you switch supplier. You may get a better deal having gas and electric provided by one supplier or split between two so it's worth checking both options.
You may also decide to fix your tariff for a period so you'll know if prices go up then your bill won't. You normally pay a bit extra for this but have the peace of mind you know exactly what your bill will be.

The process is fairly easy so the hassle value shouldn't put you off. The company you are switching to usually takes care of all the details.

When you're ready to try have your last bill handy so you have information that may be required. This is mainly, your current supplier, what tarrif you are on and your power usage in kilowatt hours(this should all be on your bill)
You've got nothing to lose, and you can always switch back if you're not happy