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  Decorating a room          

Decorating a room is fairly straight forward, but to make good job there are a few basics you need to get right.

Preparation, preparation, preparation. Preparing your surfaces prior to painting can be a bit of a pain but if you spend a little of bit care and time on this then you'll really notice the difference to the finished job.

Use decent quality brushes. You don't need a huge a mount of tools to do a good job (I only use 2 sizes of brush) but its definitely worth spending a little more on brushes to get something of decent quality which makes painting much easier and the results look so much more professional.

Use good quality paint. I always use good quality paint. You will get much better results. Good quality paint covers much better. In my opinion cheap paint is a false economy as you often have to put extra coats on to get a decent job.


types of paint
brushes and rollers
preparation, filling and sanding wood and walls
order of works for painting a room
dealing with water staining
lining paper
lining paper with thermal insulation
How to paint ceramic tiles
How to paint a garage floor
Practical steps to follow when painting your house

There are many DIY options available to decorate a room, from unique ceiling tiles designs to hand-painted wallpaper.